Sunday, March 31, 2019

Love the 'Chaos' you are in

When I was a kid, I used to imagine me as a grown up.  I, like all of us, thaught that growing up will be really fun. I can do anything I want, go anywhere and everyone would take me seriously. Being taken seriously fascinated me so much. But little did I ever realise how difficult it is to live as a grown up. From the day we hold the pen and leave the pencil we start realising that our mistakes will leave a permanent mark in our lives. After crossing many stages we finally start to become an adult and unfortunately it starts to feel like a trap. We get to realise that we were in a vague imagination of adulthood throughout our childhood.
                  Sounds so negative???? Sounds like everything is getting worse. and the world around us is crashing over us. But, is it so? Or probably there is a silver lining that we are continuously denying?
                   I see kids, wishing to be a grown up and grown-ups wish to be a kid again. None of us is happy with the stages of our life. For all of us, the grass is always greener on the other side. Kids failed to understand what precious time they are having cause they are not mature enough for these realisations. But why can't we understand the value of our current stage of life? isn't that immature too? We have seen already in our childhood that how time goes on and the 'adulthood' comes and nothing expected happens in real. It's always different. This is a universal truth which is never going to change. But the fact is we keep wishing this to change. We all want the carelessness and innocence back in our life. And we do the mistake of not loving and embracing our current stage. Growing up isn't really easy. It's full of pains and pangs and worries. Let's accept the fact that neither we nor the kids have everything we desire.  The adulthood you imagined then was a Utopia, The childhood you imagine now is the same foolishness. as Hazrat Muhammad said, "You will die the way you lived". So, let us create a beautiful and happy life by simply embracing it and being thankful for what we have now. 

PC-Esita Ghosh ( )

                 As kids, we were careless and as grown-ups, we know how to take care of things that need to be taken care of. As kids, we could cry out loud and irritate everyone in this world if something made an unease. As adults, we can actually fix the things (yeah, not always but many times) causing irritation or disturbance in our life. As kids, we used to get over things real quick. But as an adult, it is really hard to get over certain things. It takes time. But the taken time teaches us a lot of lessons that our younger self could never get. As kids, everyone showered love on us but as grown-ups we are not loaded with love but we know how to value love. We were never worried about society's barrier in our childhood but guess what we can do as an adult if we have determination? Worry about them and break the wrong ones. As a kid, our parents looked after us but now we can take care of them. 

                   Isn't it beautiful? To grow up? We have the ability and sense to understand things, to feel them, to create beautiful things, beautiful moments, to worry and fix, to be not careless and be responsible. Every day we grow a little bit and whenever we look back it seems like we have become more humane, a better person, who is stronger, wiser and ambitious. If you see through, you have everything as a kid you wished to have. But not everything can be perfect; it never was, it never will be. All you need to remember is, you will never be as young as you are now. From now be grateful for where you are and what you are. Be the adult you always wanted to be.

My first Wonder

"First wonder goes deepest , wonder after that fits in the impression made by the first"                                   ...