Tuesday, September 18, 2018

THE Feelings

    Feelings, the most confusing thing in this entire world. We do struggle a lot to know what our very own mind and body is feeling. They make us and they break us. We all experience the feelings of Love, Hatred, Fear, Anger, Jealousy, Joy and many more. Sometimes these things make us feel rejuvenated and sometimes destroyed. Yes, 'feel', feelings within the feelings. 

So, here I am, attempting to share everyone's The Conflict Feelings.

Photo credit- Esita Ghosh

         This is a very confusing part of human life. All of us struggle to see our own reality. We say we love the people who are actually our 'habit' and we can do anything for them at that point of time because obviously, human being seeks the need for connection. We all want to feel connections with others - whether it is a  negative or a positive connection. Whether it is a connection of love or hate. But to stay aware of what you are exactly feeling can appear as the most difficult war you have ever fought. To know exactly whether you are feeling happy or sad or angry is not that easy all the time.
       Take an example of 'feeling', like love. There is almost nothing in life that we crave more than love. It is the connection we hope to feel in every relationship that we have. But we never know the threshold where the love towards one ends and the thing called habit starts. Habit starts when you start to do something on daily basis and and your feeling towads that person or thing gradually starts to fade or to change. But we, the so connected and attached ones, don’t even realise that. And make it a ’responsibility’ which is a liability in disguise. True is that you start to do something for someone when you feel a connection and sometimes the things we do for love turns into ‘things we do to feel secure'. We try to give the ‘all is well’ mantra to ourselves by forcing us to do those. We shakle our mind and brain and wishes and feelings and of course our desire to feel worthy. Same with the feeling of jealousy. Sometimes you don’t know if you are really jealous of your fellow’s accomplishments or just saddened by the thought that you have not those medals. Sometimes your fury turns into teardrops or your reason of bliss doesn’t please you the way it should. Confusing, isn’t it? And yes you cannot resolve it. The thing you and I can do is to love ourselves a little more so that our feelings start to communicate with us a little more clearly. As, only this has the ability to help us and the world, to lead it to the journey it deserves.

                                              So, let us do it. 

My first Wonder

"First wonder goes deepest , wonder after that fits in the impression made by the first"                                   ...